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February 16th, 2018

Feb. 27-28: “A Band Called Death” Film Screening, Talk

On Tuesday, Feb 27th, the film "A Band Called Death" will be screened in the Gallery Theater, ELC. The film was released in 2014, and in 2016, DEATH was inducted into the new African American History Museum at Smithsonian in Washington DC. Additionally, on Wednesday evening, Feb. 28th, Bobby and Dennis Hackney's talk will examine the accounts of being an all-Black Rock band of three blood brothers, David Hackney, Dennis Hackney, and Bobby Hackney calling themselves "DEATH" in Detroit in 1975 during the heyday of the Motown era, playing what was considered at the time "white Rock music."

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February 28th, 2018

Feb. 28: Canadian Scholar to Discuss the Mathematics Behind Modern Algorithms

Keith F. Taylor, a professor of mathematics and statistics at Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia, will discuss the beautiful mathematics behind many of the modern algorithms used in signal and image processing on Wednesday, Feb. 28, at 7 p.m. in Academic West 108.  Taylor's free, public talk, titled "The Wavelet Revolution," will focus on abstract mathematical theorems discovered and proven in the recent decades that have had, and continue to have, profound impacts on these technologies.

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February 22nd, 2018

March 1: Lorelei Ensemble to Perform Repertoire for Women’s Voices at Weis Center

Lorelei Ensemble, an ensemble of nine women who are committed to expanding the repertoire for women’s voices, will perform on Thursday, March 1 at 7:30 p.m. at the Weis Center for the Performing Arts. There will be a free pre-performance talk with the artists on the same day as the performance from 1-2 p.m. in the Weis Center Atrium Lobby. Tickets can be purchased online at or by calling 570-577-1000.

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February 23rd, 2018

March 3: Conference to Address Perspectives on Animal Exploitation

A conference on the problem of animal exploitation will be held under the auspices of Bucknell University's Humanities Center on Saturday, March 3 from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. There is no fee to attend but space is limited so please be sure to RSVP to Gary Steiner, Presidential Professor of Philosophy, at

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February 28th, 2018

March 6: Artistic and Programming Director of NYC’s Metrograph to Discuss Film Variations

Jacob Perlin, artistic and programming director of Metrograph, the inventive new independent movie theater in New York City, will provide a free, public talk, "Variations on a Form," on Tuesday, March 6, at 7 p.m. in the Campus Theatre. He will provide information on how films gets produced, distributed, exhibited, preserved, promoted and written about for a major metropolitan audience.

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February 28th, 2018

March 6: Australian Contemporary Circus Company comes to Weis Center

Circa, a contemporary circus/cirque ensemble from Australia, will perform on Tuesday, March 6 at 7:30 p.m. at the Weis Center for the Performing Arts. Tickets can be purchased online at or by calling 570-577-1000.Tickets are also available in person from several locations including the Weis Center lobby and the CAP Center Box Office, located on the ground floor of the Elaine Langone Center.

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February 23rd, 2018

March 7: Erasure Series Lecture to Focus on the 1921 Tulsa Race Riot

Scott Ellsworth, an author and noted scholar on the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921, will discuss "The 1921 Tulsa Riot and the Erasure of Black History" on Wednesday, March 7 at 7 p.m. in the Gallery Theatre, Elaine Langone Center. His free, public talk is part of the Griot Institute for Africana Studies' Spring Lecture and Performance Series on the theme of “Erasure: Blackness and the Fight Against Invisibility.”

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January 25th, 2018

Jan. 16-March 11: Time Photo Editor Uncovers Global Inequality in New Samek Exhibit

Myles Little, an associate photo editor at Time magazine, curated an exhibit that explores the world of privilege beyond what is typically portrayed and invites the viewer to pause and reflect on a significant social issue today. His exhibit, "1%: Privilege in a Time of Global Inequality," opened Jan. 16 and runs through March 11 in the Samek Gallery on the top floor of the Elaine Langone Center.

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March 13th, 2018

March 20: World Music and Dance from Argentina comes to Weis Center

Che Malambo, a world music and dance ensemble from Argentina, will perform on Tuesday, March 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the Weis Center for the Performing Arts. There will be a free pre-performance talk with the artists on the same day as the performance from 1 to 2 p.m. in the Weis Center Atrium Lobby. Tickets can be purchased online or by calling 570-577-1000. Tickets are also available in person from several locations including the Weis Center lobby and the CAP Center Box Office, located on the ground floor of the Elaine Langone Center.

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March 13th, 2018

March 21: Talk by Ramona Africa CANCELED

On Mar. 21, Ramona Africa will be talking about the need for people to stop looking to politicians and to this system, for solutions.  The event will take place in the Gallery Theater, Elaine Langone Center at 7 pm. The talk is will be titled MOVE and Black Erasure. 

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March 13th, 2018

March 22: Cuban Symphony will play works by Tchaikovsky, Roldan and Beethoven at the Weis Center

The National Symphony Orchestra of Cuba will perform world-renowned classical works on Thursday, March 22 at 7:30 p.m. at the Weis Center for the Performing Arts. There will be a free pre-performance talk on the same day as the performance from 1-2 p.m. in the Weis Center Atrium Lobby. Tickets can be purchased online at or by calling 570-577-1000. They are also available in person from several locations including the Weis Center lobby and the CAP Center Box Office, located on the ground floor of the Elaine Langone Center.

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March 20th, 2018

March 24: Weis Center Presents Family Discovery Performance Air Play

Air Play, a whimsical contemporary cirque performance, will float into the Weis Center for the Performing Arts on Saturday, March 24 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online at or by calling 570-577-1000. They also may be purchased in-person from several locations including the Weis Center lobby and the CAP Center Box Office, located on the ground floor of the Elaine Langone Center.

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March 26th, 2018

March 27: University of Michigan Sociologist to Serve as Diversity Summit Keynoter

Elizabeth Armstrong, a professor of sociology and women’s studies at the University of Michigan with research interests in the areas of sexuality, gender, culture, organizations, social movements and higher education, will deliver the keynote speaker at Bucknell's Diversity Summit on Tuesday, March 27, at 7 p.m. in Trout Auditorium. Her free, public talk is titled "Paying for the Party: How College Maintains Inequality."

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March 21st, 2018

March 28: Joel S. Wit ’76 to Discuss Crisis in North Korea

Joel S. Wit '76, senior fellow at the US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins SAIS and founder of the project there titled "38 North," will present the free, public lecture, "Crisis in North Korea: Where Do We Go From Here?," on Wednesday, March 28 at 6:30 p.m. in The Forum, Elaine Langone Center (ELC 272).  

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March 19th, 2018

March 29: Parents of Timothy Piazza to Speak

Jim and Evelyn Piazza -- parents of Timothy Pizza, a 19-year-old Penn State sophomore engineering student who died Feb. 4, 2017, two days after a hazing incident at Penn State's Beta Theta Pi house -- will speak on Thursday, March 29 at 7 p.m. in the Weis Center for the Performing Arts. The event is free and open to the public, although tickets will be required. Available tickets will be open to the general public starting at 6 p.m. the day of the talk at the Weis Center Box Office.

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March 12th, 2018

April 3: Comedian and Author Chelsea Handler to Appear at Weis Center

The Bucknell Student Lectureship Committee will host a fireside chat on social activism with comedian and author Chelsea Handler at the Weis Center for Performing Arts on Tuesday, April 3, at 7 p.m. Bucknell philosophy professor Sheila Lintott will serve as the moderator and there will be a 20 minute Q&A following their discussion. Free tickets are available for the Bucknell community on April 3 from 12 to 4 p.m., and 100 tickets will be reserved for the general public and can be picked up at 6 p.m. the day of the event at the Weis Center.

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